Volunteer Interest for 2024-2025


Find the things that interest you and sign up! 

We are always looking for friendly faces to join our team! 

All parents are part of the PSO and we welcome your help!


As the school year gets underway the PSO will post sign ups for a variety of events and activities that will need your help. 

 When those sign ups are posted we will notify you and you will be able to sign up for specific slots when you log into your Membership Toolkit Parent Portal. 


Complete this Volunteer Interest Form and we will reach out to you! 


If you have questions, feel free to email us RVMSPSO@gmail.com



“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” 

 ~Elizabeth Andrew~



Please provide your first and last name. 


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Permission to Contact (reset)

We are always on the look out for wonderful parents to fill PSO Volunteer Positions. There are a variety of ways to be involved at RVMS.  No experience necessary!  Let us know what interests you and how we can put your talents to good use!


* Select All That Apply


6th Grade Fun and Field Day
Volunteers help plan, organize, and help run Fun and Field Day for the sixth graders.  Donations are also needed. Time frame – May

8th Grade Farewell Events
Volunteers assist in planning and execution of all 8th grade activities, farewell, and dance.  Time frame – April/May  

This committee collects, organizes, and distributes donations for families in need during the holiday season. Chairs are needed for each grade level to help communicate with the grade level teachers and collect items.  Time frame – November/December

Back-to-School Orientation
Back-to-School Orientation August 14, 2023
A specific sign up will be posted closer to the orientation day.
shift 1: 7:30am-10:00am
shift 2: 9:30am-12:00pm

Building Beautification
We are looking to create a group of volunteers, and possibly students, who are interested in gardening and outdoor beautification.  Time frame – Throughout the year

Buzz Book
Assist with maintaining online student directory, as well as creating a printed version for distribution.  Time frame – August through October

Coin Drive
Volunteers assist in the planning, organizing and execution of the coin collection the week before Thanksgiving during the annual grade level competition, Turkey Smash. Funds collected support the schools' Adopt-A-Family program that fulfills wishes of families in need during the holidays. Teams and grades compete for the title of "Turkey Smash Winner" every year! Time frame - Fall semester and week before Thanksgiving holiday.   Time Frame – November

Dine-to-Donate Time frame: Throughout the year

Glow Bash
A fun student event held at RVMS.  The event hosts a DJ, games, activities and snacks all under the shimmer of glow lights! Volunteers help in the planning, execution and chaperoning of the event.  Time frame – October

Grant Committee
Works with the VP of Service Projects, PSO President, PSO Treasurer, and the School Principal to create a grant application for, set application deadlines, and sit in on the review committee to approve grant requests.  After grants are awarded, deliver award certificates to the teachers/staff, and take pictures of the grant funds as they are being used at the school to share with RVMS community.  Time frame – Fall and Winter

Knight Fun Run
A community event held in October.  Students, staff, families, friends, and pets are welcome!  Join RVMS and the surrounding community for a family-friendly 5K.   Volunteers are needed the day of the event for set-up, route monitoring and clean-up.    Time frame – Spring Semester  

New Family Welcome
Committee chair assists with planning, organizing and attends New Family Welcome activities twice a year. The committee chair is an ambassador for the RVMS PSO to answer new parent questions about RVMS and the surrounding area. Time frame – Fall and Spring Semester

School Store: F.A.C.S. Kits
School Store: F.A.C.S. Kits Chair Time frame: Throughout the year

School Store: Fun Food Friday
School Store: Fun Food Friday Chair Time frame: Throughout the year  

School Store: Inventory Management
School Store: Inventory Management Time frame: Throughout the year  

School Supply Kits
Planning begins in the spring semester of the current school year for the fall of the next year. Supply kits are sold online throughout the summer and are picked-up by the families at the Back-to-School Orientation in August. Time frame: Spring Semester to August of the next school year

Social Media (PSO)
Social Media (PSO) Time frame: Throughout the year

Staff Meals
Community Events (Family and Student Events) Time frame - Throughout the year

Student Recognition
Volunteers work with the administration to recognize significant accomplishments of RVMS students throughout the year. Students from all grade levels are recognized at monthly Student of the Month and Knights of Character (SoM/KoC) breakfasts, Excalibur awards in the spring and Knights of the Round Table (KORT) induction in May.  Time frame – Throughout the school year    

Teacher/Staff Appreciation
Volunteers help set-up and serve dinners to the teachers and staff before parent/teacher conferences. Volunteers are also needed to provide food/meals for the conferences.  Meals can be dropped off the day of conferences, making this a great opportunity for working parents that like to contribute.  Time frame – Fall & Spring Semester

Trivia Night
Another fun event for the student body!  Geared towards 6th, 7th & 8th grade students, trivia night is a popular student activity in the spring.  Volunteers are needed to plan, organize and execute this wonderful event for the students.    Time frame – Spring Semester  

Volunteer Coordinator
The Volunteer Coordinator will assist in communicating with parents who express interest in volunteering, fill open volunteer positions, and is the liaison between Lafayette High School student volunteer sponsors and RVMS PSO. Time frame – Throughout the school year  

Website (PSO)/Membership Toolkit Site Manager
Website (PSO)/Membership Toolkit Site Manager Time frame: Throughout the year

Thank you for completing the RVMS PSO Volunteer Interest form.  We look forward to connecting with you! 




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