<<March 2025>>SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday2324254:00p Dine to Donate - Chick Fil A Chesterfield Valley2627International Day281234Dine to Donate Night - El Maguey Wildwood9:30a March PSO Meeting57:00p Knights of the Round Table (KORT) Awards Ceremony - New Inductees68:00a KORT Awards Breakfast7School Store - Fun Food Friday6:30p Student Trivia Night8910116:30p Heads Up 9th Grader Class121314March Madness Assembly151617NO SCHOOL - Spring Break18NO SCHOOL - Spring Break19NO SCHOOL - Spring Break20NO SCHOOL - Spring Break21NO SCHOOL - Spring Break222324School Resumes25262728Student of the Month Recognition29303119:30a April PSO Meeting2345